People often ask what I do. When you do so many things it’s hard to distill that description down to just one line, but here it is.- “I make things!” One-off things, prototypes, sculptures, new products, displays, models, machines and works of art. So, if you’re an individual, agency or entrepreneur needing to accomplish something visual, but lack the skills or resources to pull it off yourself, give me a call. Let’s join our creative thoughts and build it together!

Arete Supercar Project
I’ve started the exciting project of building a mid engine exotic supercar to show off my design and fabrication abilities. If you love cars, and, or the process of putting one together, I invite you to follow the project.

Leviathan Overlander
Can this man turn a junked out Chevy Silverado into a 300 square foot amphibious motor home, capable of going where few motor homes dare to go?
We are documenting it on YouTube
We have documented every step of the process. Subscribe to the channel to watch the entire process as we go. Make sure you turn on the bell so you dont miss any updates.
How to build your own 200mph Supercar
Collapsible content
FRPs (Fiber Reinforced Plastics)
FRPs or “composites,” is the fastest growing sector of material sciences, and rightly so. These materials allow for the creation of complex parts that are strong, light weight and simple to manufacture. A large focus of this business is dedicated to working in these materials.
Part of my studio is a green sand, investment and lost foam foundry for prototype and small run production. The advantages of having this capability in house is incredible, as the foundry process opens a world of possibilities in parts fabrication.
Art is in my blood and although I sway more to the technology side, fine art shows up in almost all my work. Whether sculpting a giant fish for a billboard or painting a CNC machine, the finer “artist touch,” is always a bonus! is a new venture and an old venture rolled into one. New, in that this website and our sharing of daily life on social media is just beginning. Old, in that creativity and building has been a part of my life from day one. Okay, maybe not day one. (That first year we all just sort of lay about and let our parents tote us around.) We’ll just say I’ve been building and creating things from “very early in life!”
Besides having that streak of creativity mentioned above, I’m in this venture to be a part of the new movement in online collaboration, idea sharing and the pay it forward attitude that the modern internet has spawned. I believe that, although its important to have goals, direction and to make some money along the way, the true happiness in work and productivity is in helping out our fellow man.
I hope some of the ideas and items that you find here in my work, spark your own creativity.
Read my short biography to explain how it all began.